About us

True Animal Protein Price (TAPP) Coalition is a non-profit foundation, focused on fair food prices and taxes including external environmental and health costs, to make the production and  consumption of meat and dairy more sustainable. This will reduce consumption in line with planetary boundaries and dietary guidelines. We advocate for (fiscal) subsidies for healthy food and food with low carbon footprints and a socially just transition.

We cannot do this alone. That is why we work together with partners with similar goals and interests. Together, we work towards a fair future for people, animals and nature. We are a coalition of 60 food companies and organisations working in agriculture, health, animal welfare, environment or youth, representing 1,5 million people and 3000 companies (EU, USA, Africa). 

TAPP Coalition published many reports about how to include the true price of meat, dairy and eggs in fiscal systems, and how to reduce taxes and prices on vegetables, fruits, plantbased meat and dairy. We presented our first reports 5th February 2020 in the European Parliament, with global media attention: Aligning food pricing policies with the European Green Deal. We also commissioned a report about a 'Sustainability Charge on meat' in Europe.

A youtube video video made by China Global Television Network, is summarizing the TAPP Coalition EU meat pricing proposal  (55 seconds). Or a longer video (4.29 minutes) about the benefits: . Anther video explains our work, in 16 languages subtitled, just like this video does too.

Our vision: Paying the true price of meat and dairy and other animal protein products becomes the standard way of operating for better health, environment, animal welfare and social justice in Europe (and finally, globally too). In the same time, taxes and prices for healthy, sustainable food products can go down, so overall food prices for consumers will be the same or can go down too. 

Our mission: To enhance the understanding of animal protein production and consumption and to promote the ‘true’ price of meat and dairy to protect health, the global environment and the ability to sustain life for future generations.

We are designing policy measures for a fair price of meat which reflects the 'true price', including the costs of environmental, nature and health costs. The revenues of this 'fair price' can be used to make agriculture more sustainable and to compensate low and middle incomes, and reduce the price of vegetables, fruits and meat alternatives. This proposal has the support of the majority of the Dutch population. Probably in other EU countries this will be the same. 

Building upon available expertise, the TAPP Coalition pursues its mission in the different ways:

1. Reducing the European consumption of meat and dairy products by promoting 'fair prices' including environmental costs, to benefit people’s health, the environment, nature, animal welfare and for agricultural sectors and countries to comply with the Paris Climate Agreement for 2030 and 2050.

2, The development of effective policy instruments in Europe to induce the shift  towards more vegetable protein consumption, with a focus on financial instruments, but also on standards and information.

3. Promoting awareness and support for price measures and taxes for meat and dairy products, in order to comply to the Paris Climate Agreement and paying the 'true price'. This includes the publication of scientific publications.

4. Promoting a flexitarian diet, in which meat and fish are interspersed with vegetable dishes, out of awareness that reduced meat consumption has a positive impact on people, animals and the environment.

5. Stimulating leadership in the field of international cooperation related to a Climate Agreement for the livestock farming sectors.

6. Reducing and compensating negative effects of the global effects of meat and dairy consumption on the planet and health.

7. Initiate and execute campaigns.

Stay Below 1.5° C Paris Climate Agreement

Unabated, animal agriculture is set to take up 49% of the GHG budget allowable under the Paris Agreement until 2030 and the full budget by 2050. The global fight to save our planet is at a tipping point. As it stands today, conventional animal agriculture is responsible for 16.5% of the world's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 91% of the Amazon rainforest destruction and 80% of all extinction threats, while receiving less than 1% of global climate change mitigation funding (source: 50by40.org).

The problems associated with industrial animal agriculture are spiralling out of control. The ramifications of this system will have everlasting, devastating consequences for all facets of life. This includes catastrophic climate change, health hazards and crises, loss of biodiversity, accelerated deforestation, increased world hunger, animal welfare violations and water scarcity, to name a few.

Based on the latest report from the IPCC on Climate Change and Land, and an upcoming scientific study, the TAPP Coalition is urging the global community to curb meat and animal product consumption soon to avoid catastrophic climate change. Experts from social justice, health, animal welfare, environment and biodiversity organisations have reiterated the relevance of the study, stressing that Peak Livestock is a prerequisite to meet the goals in the Paris Agreement.


Partners of the TAPP Coalition (representing 1,5 million people and 3000 European businesses), are organisations and companies in the sectors food, agriculture, health, environment and animal welfare. Examples of partners are Ecopreneur, Oatly, Beyond Meat, Vivera, Quorn, Redefine Meat, Friends of the Earth NL, Proveg International, Youth for Climate, Teachers for Climate, Fridays for Future, Compassion in World Farming Netherlands, Feedback EU, World Animal Protection, Transition Coalition Food, Green Protein Alliance, Robin Food Coalition, Caring Doctors, Caring Farmers, Eosta, Omnicom Public Relations Group, V-Entrepreneurs, Willicroft, Brigde2Food, the REV Institute (Poland), New Roots Institute (USA), Better Food Foundation (USA), Africa Climate Action Initiative (partners in 14 African countries), Swedish Environmental Information (SMMI), True Cost Economy (Germany), Kind Earth Tech and Climate Neutral Group. In different EU countries the vegetarian society became a partner of TAPP Coalition: in France, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Slovenia, Switserland, Netherlands and Denmark. 

We have more Dutch partners, see our website https://tappcoalitie.nl.

Triodos Foundation, Porticus Foundation and Gieskes Strijbis Fund are institutional donors in 2023 (DOEN Foundation till 2022). In 2019, ca. 90% of funding of the TAPP Coalition was paid by our partners. Interested in becoming a partner? Here you can see our flyer for new partners and what it means to become a partner of the TAPP Coalition for our agenda and our international work.

TAPP Coalition is part of international networks like the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), CAN-Europe, European Alliance of Plant-based Food (EAPF), Climate Resilient Food Systems Alliance (CRFS), Food & Climate Action Group, the Food and Climate Alliance, Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC) and PlantEurope Network. In the Netherlands we are a partner of Green Protein Alliance, Transition Coalition Food and Green Farmer Plan (GroenBoerenPlan). 

Our partners are:

There is another group of organizations, including Greenpeace, Oxfam and other large ngo's, sharing the basic ideas of the TAPP Coalition. In June 2019, those organizations signed a (Dutch) Manifesto, written by Urgenda and TAPP Coalition for the Dutch Government, asking to introduce a tax on meat of 2 euro per kg meat, to reduce at least 0,5 Mton CO2-eq. in The Netherlands. This will lead to a reduction of 14% of meat consumption (One day per week without meat). The tax revenue can be used to stimulate sustainable and extensive farming, to lower the price of vegetables and fruits and to compensate low income households. 

Our team: Board members, Director, Partners and Advisory Board members

Jeroom Remmers

Director TAPP Coalition

Peter Haring

Chair of Board TAPP Coalition

Former Unilever Ecosystems Director Food

Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy,

Chair International Advisory Board TAPP Coalition 

Former MEP European Parliament D66

Linda Herms

Partner EY, Treasurer TAPP Coalition

Edwin Bark

Senior Vice President, Redefine Meat 

Board member TAPP

Mark de Haan

Senior Manager European Affairs 

Ellen Schoone

Social Media

Maarten Tuinhof

New Foresight

Board Member Tapp Coalition

Guusje Tienhoven, GreenDish

Board Member TAPP

Willem Branten, 

Public Affairs Policy Officer TAPP Coalition


Donations can be made via this button:

We have a fiscal Dutch not-for-profit ANBI status.

TAPP Coalition
Bank account Triodos Bank
Address Hoofdstraat 10, 3972 LA Driebergen-Rijsenburg
IBAN NL27 TRIO 0379 7379 65
True Animal Protein PC
Swiftcode TRIONL2U

Questions: info@tappcoalitie.nl

Here is our Policyplan 2023-2025

Here you can find the Annual Report 2018 (in Dutch) and Annual Report 2019

Here you can find the Annual Report 2020. 

Here you can find the Annual Report 2021 and the Annual Account 2021 (in Dutch)

Here you can find our Annual Account 2022 (in Dutch) and our Annual Report 2022 (English)

Public ID number EU Transparacy Register:  TR ID number: 549456347358-04

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) are seventeen goals that aim to make the world a better place in 2030. They are a worldwide compass for challenges like poverty, education and the climate crisis. The TAPP Coalition describes their goals which are linked to the SDG's below:


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