New campaign started for carbon pricing food in 50 countries

Organizations out of 50 countries urge world leaders to change food pricing via an Open Letter

Today, while Food Ministers meet to prepare the UN Food System Summit, an international campaign is launched urging presidents of 50 rich countries to raise prices for meat and dairy and reduce prices for healthy food. Between July 28 and November 1, organizations and companies can sign an Open Letter that will be sent to presidents and ministers of 35 OECD countries and 15 other countries with the highest meat consumption in the world. This includes the US, European countries and Australia, as well as Brazil, China and Russia.

The Open Letter is already signed by 50 organisations, representing over 2000 companies and NGO's from 18 countries, see

The Open Letter will be presented to world leaders during the UN Climate Change Summit in Glasgow from 1-11 November. The Carbon Pricing for Food Coalition, which supports this #futurefoodpricing initiative, is concerned about climate change and the lack of political decisiveness for taxing food with a high climate footprint and making climate-friendly food cheaper. They are asked to look closely at a levy on meat and dairy. Public enquiries showed that a majority supports such taxes, if revenues are used in a clever way to compensate farmers and consumers.

The letter is a call for change, for a better future. The aim is to make world leaders and politicians acquainted with the benefits of a meat tax, a fair meat price. According to surveys, a majority supports this plan, if tax revenues are used to compensate consumers and farmers. Companies and organizations that already signed the letter come from the USA, Latin America, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Switzerland and other nations. They are calling on organizations in 50 countries to sign too.

The open letter and a media kit in 8 languages about the campaign can be found here:

ABOUT -  Carbon Pricing for Food Coalition

The Carbon Pricing for Food Coalition is an initiative of a number of companies and non-profit organisations working together across the world. This initiative wants to improve the contributions of the Paris Climate Accord by implementing carbon tax pricing on food. This results in a reduced meat-intake which has benefits such as lower GHG-emissions and lower health care costs. 


Jeroom Remmers  | Director TAPP Coalition

T: 0031 6 22 40 77 12   E:

Does your organisation (company, NGO, CSO, UN member state, university, city) want to sign too?

Please sent your logo and a confirmation from an authorized person to:


The Carbon Pricing of Food Coalition is hosted / started by the

True Animal Protein Price Coalition

Minahassastraat 1

1094 RS Amsterdam

The Netherlands /

Not all TAPP Coalition partners signed the Open Letter; those who did can be found here:

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