Press conf. COP27: ending meat/dairy impact on biodiversity loss & climate

Thursday 17th November, a UNFCCC press conference was given at the COP27 conference in Egypt titled: Livestock causes 60-80% of global biodiversity loss and 80% food related GHG-emissions (in the EU).

Watch the video: 

Read WWF review of COP27 results and Open Letter signed by TAPP Coalition too. 

With Brent Loken, global food lead scientist WWF and Jeroom Remmers, director TAPP Coalition.

They shared policy proposals for agriculture and consumption patterns to reduce the negative impact from meat and dairy consumption and livestock on biodiversity and climate. Increasing global meat and dairy consumption is the root cause of biodiversity loss and deforestation according to FAO. But governments don't take away the root cause, so attempts to protect nature (CBD) will fail if global meat/dairy consumption is allowed to grow. Rich countries therefore should start policies to reduce meat overconsumption. Taxation policies and seducing people to eat more vegetables and plant-based proteins are the best two options.

TAPP Coalition launched a proposal how to generate climate finance for nature protection, mitigation, adaptation and loss & damage:

By taxing meat just 10 eurocent per 100 gram meat in all OECD countries and China, generating nearly 150 billion euro per year. 

Powerpoint TAPP Coalition: PressConf_Biodiversity_Livestock-Comprised.pdf

More TAPP Coalition COP27 press releases can be found here:

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