TAPP event in Berlin presenting two reports on food tax reform

Today, the TAPP Coalition presented two crucial reports in Berlin advocating for a fair and true price on meat and dairy and reduced costs for healthy, plant based food. This diverse coalition, which includes youth organizations, sustainable companies, farmers' associations, doctors, environmental and animal protection NGOs: 60 partners, encompassiing the voices of 0.6 million people, is at the forefront of Germany's push for a higher meat price that reflects the hidden environmental and health costs associated with its production. Here you can read our press release in both English and German

The event in Berlin was organised with the Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe). Aaron Scheid from the German Ecologic Institute presented the CE Delft report commissioned by TAPP Coalition about a tax reform on food products in Germany. Here you can see the powerpoints presented by TAPP and Ecologic Institute. 

The whole event is recorded by zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/-zDGHTXB7kuGqiomL9LCb3j2_KV_OuCZKYYdM9m5xSuZ9CqztDHVTzrTu5dkh-hc.nS4OdX7iTG4t1ks0?startTime=1684827071000Password:  %8usP$nB 

The need for change is evident, as highlighted by a recent representative Ipsos survey conducted in February this year, commissioned by TAPP Coalition. The survey revealed that almost 60 percent of Germans support the TAPP Coalition's ambitious plan, which entails establishing a realistic meat price that accounts for environmental factors such as greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen. The revenue generated from this levy would be utilized to support livestock farmers in their efforts to reduce emissions, enhance sustainability, improve animal welfare, and simultaneously make fruits and vegetables more affordable, while providing compensation for those with the lowest incomes.

The director of TAPP Coalition Jeroom Remmers offered these two reports to Christiane Seidel, head of the food team of the German consumer organisation VZBV and he will share it with German politicians too:

1)  CE Delft report  bit.ly/3q3YWRA

2)  IPSOS consumer survey  bit.ly/457D07U

3) CE Delft report, at EU level

Here are the QR codes of the reports: 

The basic idea is that consumers can keep or even improve their purchasing power with a food tax reform: healthy food will become cheaper, meat and dairy will become slightly more expensive. This will reduce emissions from greenhouse gasses and other pollutants, while it will improve public health and reduce health care costs .

The food tax reform is already supported by a majority in the EU parliament. Nearly 90% of German members of the EU parliament voted for a 0% VAT rate on vegetables and fruits and a higher VAT rate for food with negative impacts on the environment or public health. Also the liberal FDP MEPs voted for the amendment. This is remarkable because the liberal Finance Minister is blocking a food tax reform in Germany, requested by the German Minister of Agriculture. 63% of German FDP-voters also support the food tax reform proposed by TAPP Coalition, DUH and Ecologic Institute, see press release sent by DUH today. 

German Media Coverage TAPP Coalition reports 

TAPP Coalition and DUH had a potential reach of 3,2 Mio. (16 news articles) in the press and about 20k impressions on Social Media.

Presseportal (24th May)

23rd May a large German radio station DeutschlandFunk interviewed the CEO of DUH about the CE Delft and Ipsos reports (first 6 minutes): "Umwelt und Verbraucher, komplette Sendung 23.05.2023"


Newspaper coverage:

Saarbruecker Zeitung (23rd May). 

Die Tageszeitung (24th May)

Heute (24th May): Kilo Rind müsste 10 €mehr kosten
Würde man die Folgen für Klima & Co. im Preis berücksichtigen, müssten tierische Produkte von 0,29 €(Milch) bis 10,16 €(Rind) je Kilo teurer werden. Zu diesem Schluss kommt eine Studie im Auftrag von Deutsche Umwelthilfe Folgekosten je Kilo Rindfleisch 10,16 €Käse 2,25 €Schwein 1,89 €Huhn 1,36 €Eier 0,97 €Milch 0,29 €  (Seite 6)

Topagrar (24th May)

KNA Basisdienst (23rd May). Studie: Umweltkosten für Tierhaltung beim Preis berücksichtigen
Berlin (KNA) Eine Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer für Fleischprodukte auf 19 Prozent könnte laut einer Studie auf Dauer die Umweltkosten verringern. Aktuell entstehen durch die konventionelle Tierhaltung in der Milch- und Fleischproduktion in Deutschland jährlich 22 Milliarden externe Umweltkosten, wie Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH), True Animal Protein Price Coalition (TAPP) und das Ecologic Institute am Dienstag in Berlin auf mitteilten. … «Erst wenn Fleisch nicht mehr billig verramscht, sondern für genau den Preis angeboten wird, der alle Kosten und Auswirkungen einbezieht, wird es auch wieder mit mehr Wertschätzung konsumiert», erklärte DUH-Bundesgeschäftsführer Sascha Müller-Kraenner. (Seite 068)

Neues Ruhrwort (24th May)

Other media

Saarbrücker Zeitung: https://www.saarbruecker-zeitung.de/pr/presseportal/deutsche-wollen-mehr-fuer-fleisch-milchprodukte-und-eier-bezahlen_aid-90965305

Braunschweiger Zeitung: https://www.braunschweiger-zeitung.de/wirtschaft/presseportal/article238487983/Deutsche-wollen-mehr-fuer-Fleisch-Milchprodukte-und-Eier-bezahlen.html

SB-Finanz: https://www.sb-finanz.de/news/deutsche-wollen-mehr-fr-fleisch-milchprodukte-und-eier-bezahlen--192939.html

Volksfreund: https://www.volksfreund.de/pr/presseportal/deutsche-wollen-mehr-fuer-fleisch-milchprodukte-und-eier-bezahlen_aid-90965049

Ga.de: https://ga.de/sonderthemen/spezial/presseportal/deutsche-wollen-mehr-fuer-fleisch-milchprodukte-und-eier-bezahlen_aid-90965445 











Foodwatch Germany tweet

Link to Zoom Recorded Event:


Password: : %8usP$nB

Contact us or join us

We encourage everyone to read these two reports to gain deeper insights into the transformative vision put forth by the TAPP Coalition. Our goal is to preserve the purchasing power of consumers by implementing tax changes that enable healthier food options to become more affordable while ensuring a slight increase in the price of meat. This strategic approach aims to strike a balance that benefits both individuals and the environment.
To learn more about the TAPP Coalition and our ongoing efforts, please visit our website at https://www.tappcoalition.eu. You can also contact us directly via email at info@tappcoalitie.nl                                          or call us at 0031 6 22 40 77 12.

Stay updated on our activities by following us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tappcoalition/ and LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/tapp-coalition/ If you'd like to support our cause, subscribe to our newsletter or make a donation at https://www.tappcoalition.eu/newsletter

If you share our vision and are interested in becoming a partner, we invite you to join us in creating a sustainable future. Give us a call and let's collaborate towards a more responsible and equitable food system. Together, let's make a positive impact on the meat industry and build a future where the true cost of meat includes its environmental and health implications.

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