With your donation, you make it possible the EU (and its member states) will make (true price) policies for meat, dairy and other food products, leading to a reduction of the consumption of meat (and dairy). This will benefit public health, our climate, the environment, nature and animal welfare.
Consumers, companies and organisations can support our important work by giving a donation via this button:
We ask consumers to do a donation of 5 euro per month or more. Donors will receive our newsletter.
We have a fiscal Dutch not-for-profit ANBI status.
Companies and organisation can also become a partner. Here you can see our flyer for new partners and what it means to become a partner of the TAPP Coalition for our agenda in the EU and international work. The annual contribution for partners is dependent of the annual turnover (as a guideline):
3000 euro company / organisation with turnover > 5 million euro
1000 euro company / organisation with turnover 1-5 million euro
750 euro company / organisation with turnover 0,5-1 million euro
500 euro company / organisation with turnover < 0,5 million euro
100 euro startups
The sum of all donations and contributions by partners will be mentioned in our annual report. The True Animal Protein Price Coalition has a not-for profit (ANBI) donation status for taxation.
Donations can also be sent to Tapp Coalition, Amsterdam. Please mention: 'donation' and your name and email address.
TAPP Coalition Bank account Triodos Bank
Adresss Hoofdstraat 10, 3972 LA Driebergen-Rijsenburg
IBAN NL27 TRIO 0379 7379 65
name account: True Animal Protein PC
Swiftcode TRIONL2U
Thanks for your help!